I read in alot of articles that to burn fat. You have to burn more calories then you consume. i was wounderinf if this is possible. Cuz ive also read that a person should eat up to 2000 Calories a day. For me, i work out every day. I burn 600 Calories on the cardio machine in the gym. And then i run 3.5 miles outside on a track. Witch im guessing is like 900 Calories. After doing cardio on a machine for 1 hr. And then running outside 3 miles. I dont even cut it close to burn as many carloes i consumed that day. I dont eat much. But i also read i should eat more to speed up my fat loss. So this is all very confuzing to me. Can someone help?
Don't confuse yourself with the fine details of weight loss! All you have to do is eat a good diet and excersice alot! You are definately getting the second! From the sound of it, you seem to be concerned about your weight. Don't be. The way you are living, you should be just fine.
You can't burn more calories than you eat or you'll be dead tired. So I suggest cutting back your calorie intake and kick up your exercise a notch like three days a week so it's not too much. The thing about eating more to speed up fat loss is really your metabolism. When you eat healthier and exercise more your metabolism goes up and you burn fat more easily. the key is eating healthy. not all junk [:
Yes, its true but you already burn calories just by living. You burn calories when you breathe or speak or even sleep. Obviously if you are more active, your body is working harder and burning more calories. Either way, the calories you burn in a day don't come exclusively from exercise.
1)Workout %26 Cardio
2) Eat healthy but below your calorie levels for maintenance
3) Rest %26 SleepCheck out the two links below; might help
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