
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ladies Workout?

What Is The Best Workout That A Women Can Do With A Busy Schedule? I Want Something That Really Focuses On My Abs And Legs. If Anyone Wants To Help Me With A Weekly Routine That Would Be Great. I Dont Really Care For Running Or Jogging And I Have Bad Cardio (Yikes!! Bad I Know) But Help!! I Really Want To Tone Up And Feel Healthier. Thank You!!
Answer: a program that's right for you...I choose's intense, but I lost 80lbs.You can find a workout that doesn't take up much of your time.
The best I've seen out there is a book I just finnished reading. It has everything for your body and what programs to do to get the effects you want. Has illustrations too so you can follow and meals etc.. all good for the body. I recommend Sly moves You can buy it at amazon.comDefinately worth it in my opinion.Good luck
I recently started yoga. What a workout! I do one class a week for 1.5 hrs. and practice the rest of the time at home.
You could try it and see what you think.
1st. healthy eating makes everything easier! you feel absolutely great! i know i play 3 sports in high really busy and i dont exactly have the time to sit down and eat a good healthy when i do snack i try to make it healthy...yogurt, celery, cucumbers, chese stick stuff like that
2nd. this make your core strenght so ripped its not even funny. okay so get in a push up position...stay in that position but drop your arms so that your elbows are on the ground.stay in that position for 3-5 min.s -dont stick your butt up -keep your back flat
and you can switch sides like only lean on one elbow and then the other side! those are called cores and they kick butt literally!!
Here is the perfect workout (at the last page of this article)...

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