
Sunday, October 25, 2009

List of healthy foods that reduce your risk of cancers and other diseases?

carrots and celery. and pretty much anything but junkfood
Tofu. Soya products
Greeen tea and salmon
Anything green.
Garlic and onions top the list. Both are rich in sulfur compounds, which have shown to be cancer preventing. Closely follow any kind of cruciferous vegetables, rich in sulforaphane, as well as other phytochemicals (such as dithiolthiones) that help stop cancer before it begins. Broccoli has a lot of sulforaphane, too.
Then soy, tea (especially black tea), and tomatoes or tomato sauce (known to protect from prostatic cancer).
Anything as close as to whole and natural as what God made it. Fruits and veggies, beans, the aforementioned soy and tofu (I found organic vanilla soy milk to taste better than conventional cow's milk. Of course, that might be in part because I knew from where the cow milk came.) Whole grains. Read labels. If corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, hydrogenated oils, or anything that looks as though it is man made in a chemestry lab, avoid it. Just because a product claims to be healthy on the front, read the ingredients. A box of crackers claims to have whole grains in it. After reading the first ingredient of enriched wheat flour and a few other things (maybe even CS or HFCS and/ the hydrogenated oils) the whole wheat flour is listed. No thank you. Even though there is supposedly no trans fat in it, I still don't buy it if the words "hydrogenated oils" are in it. Anyway, I hope this helps.

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