
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Losing Weight.?

I need to lose some weight? I need help, what should I do?
if you cut 500 calories out of your diet a day, you will lose a pound a week. however, you must keep this diet for life if you want to keep this weight OFF.
Start running or biking atleast 20 minutes each time, atleast about 3 times a week. Make a life-long habbit of it. Once you've been running for awhile and get used to it you get "addicted" to it and get something called "runner's high". This only means that you feel really really good afterwards.
Muscle burns more calories than fat, so lift some weights along with cardio-vascular exercise. You must do something that raises your heart rate for atleast 20 minutes to burn calories.
you should eat healthy food and make a lot of exercises.
The best advice i can give you is too do cardio. Just bike, walk, run, jog, jumprope, anything to get you active. If you want to lose weight quick, i would run and jog. It burns the most calories which burns fat. If you want... you can do all of your cardio workouts, then take a blanket and lay it out and do yoga. It helps to relieve stress and clear your mind. I would also eat 1200 to 1400 calories a day. Eat fruits and vegetables. Eat 6 small meals a day. Listen to your stomach. If it feels full.. then stop eating!! If you go to a fast food resturant like Mcdonalds. Get a salad. Salads are ver healthy. Eat one at least once a day. Well, i hope i helped you out and good luck too you. : )
Don't get junk food always eat inside the house...

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