
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Losing fat and gaining muscle?

Hello everyone, I am trying to lose fat and gain muscle. I am 15 years old, 200 pounds and 6'1 . I am overweight I used to weigh 230 pounds and i was obese but i lost alot of weight. I still have a decent amound of fat on me but i have some lose skin in my arms so i am trying to get some muscle to look ripped. I know i have to bring my body fat down though. Right now i life weights 3 times a week for about 45 mins a session, i work chest, triceps, bicepts, and forearms. I also swim 3 times a week and run 2 miles 3 times a week. Since I want to gain muscle I eat 2,000 calories a day but there is no junk food, no chips , candy, chocolate, cake, or any sugary refined foods, no white flour or bread. So all my calories are form healthy food. I drink a 400 calorie protein shake after i lift weights, 2 cups of milk and 2 servings of whey protein. I am young so the fat should come off easy i think. Do you think I can lose fat and gain muscle if I do this or is 2,000 calories too much? thanks
yep i think u r doing a great job :) running is amazing and will totally help you I promise..but remember that you will need to eat more calories if you are going to excercise long as they aren't empty calories (cake sugar etc) you'll be eat bannanas, bread and penut butter to get "good" calories
Truth is, you cant lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. To burn fat you need to consume less calories, and to gain muscle you must consume more. Its kind of hard to explain here, but I can send you very help-full info. The same info that helped me.
Hi mate,,
That gud that ur eating around 2000 calories a day.But if u want quick results within a week..U have to just follow these
instructions for 7 days and u can lose around 5 kg..But it wud be hard i tell u....
1...Calculate ur calories count and take around 800 calories only for 7 days only later on u can maintain the weight.Take whey protein...After 1 week when ur body
will be in shape u can take more calories...
2....Do aerobic exercise daily for 5 day continuously for 25 minutes without a break..Exercise beak the fat and low calories cover ur protein and break the fat bonds..
3....Do exercise of 5 day in a week with laps of 16 14 12 10 for one body part..
4....If the exercise is for biceps or triceps or small muscle
do not take a gap of more than 1 minute 15 secs
5....If the exercise is large muscles ,,U can take rest but not more than 2 minutes
6....Don't eat too much carbohydrate as it will convert into fat if u won't exercise.
7.....No to junk fud..No to white fud like.No to white bread only brown 2 types of fruit in a day.Eat raw fud..
8....Yes to all green fud..but try to eat boil no oil..
9.....Try to take some tea as it kill ur hunger for fud.
10...Try to move ur body parts all the abdomens regularly for 15 minutes continuously.
I know mate it is a quick guide for 7 days ..I have lost around 5 kg in 10 day following this routine ...It is very hard to follow but ....but it is only for 7 days...So if u find it helpful just say thnx and I wud appreciate that ..Any questions u can ask me..7 hard day mate so if u should be strict on my rule I am sure u will thank me.....
Neil (London)

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